LED, used as an abbreviation for “Light Emitting Diode”, is a semiconducting, diode based, light emitting electronic time element. It was discovered in Russia in the 1920s. With the name of the LED lighting, we often face the opposite.
A radio technician named Oleg Vladimirovich Losev realized that the diodes used in the radio receivers were emitting light, and in 1927 published a discovery about the LED in a Russian newspaper. With this development, the LED was turned into an electronic component in the USA in 1962.
The minimum energy production and longevity have similar advantages. LED lighting is used in different areas and models in living spaces.
Single LED: First generation LED system. An electronic circuit is drawn on the printed circuit board and periodic glow LEDs are arranged. LED lighting systems are the preferred models in homes.
DC LED: The LED has a driver that keeps the current running. They can be considered as direct current systems.
AC LEDs: LED systems that operate by connecting to the power grid with the driver.
RGB LED: Color changing LEDs. 16.7 million different LED lighting colors can be obtained.
COB LED: The module LEDs are simpler to install and replace. The LEDs collected at the central point are based on the system of working together.
Linear LED: Created by arranging individual LEDs on a printed time card. Singe led is a derivative.
With the use of blue light in LEDs in recent years, RGB (Red Green Blue) lighting capability has become possible and LED usage areas have expanded. The most important areas of LED lighting are:
The streets and squares,
Building exterior,
building, production facilities and departments,
In park gardens,
Highway and roads,
Advertising signage,
historical buildings, bridges and monuments,
On-site lighting,
Traffic signalizations,
TV and telephone lights,
Interior and exterior lighting in the automotive industry,
Shipping, boating, sporting industry,
Carpet players,
Petrol stations,
Tennis courts.
LED lighting has a considerable advantage when compared to other lighting elements. First of all LEDs, which are long lasting, draw attention with their high durability and low energy consumption. They offer variety in usage areas with different color production options. Other LED lighting advantages are as follows:
First they create natural light.
It is more durable and long lasting than traditional light sources.
There are 50000 hours of life.
Led lighting systems have instant working characteristics.
Low power consumption and heat dissipation.
It has a dim (light can be turned on).
It saves energy and does not require care.
Led lighting systems are shock resistant.
Led lighting systems are mercury-free, friendly.
It has a wide range of design possibilities.
It has very low heat and light pollution values.
Led lighting systems are water resistant to the outside with both indoor and outdoor.
It gives high density, contrast and brightness.
It is attractive, attracts attention with its design.
They are safe because they do not contain harmful gas.
Touching is not prohibited as there is no risk of burning or impacting.